CS 371: Module 15: Exercise 1 (2 Points)

Developed by Professor Tralie and Professor Mongan.

Exercise Goals

The goals of this exercise are:
  1. Implement merge sort
  2. Implement a divide and conquer algorithm

Finish the code below to complete merge sort.

Enter your Ursinus netid before clicking run. This is not your ID number or your email. For example, my netid is ctralie (non Ursinus students can simply enter their name to get this to run, but they won't get an e-mail record or any form of credit)

Clicking Run below will check your work and, if it passes, will submit your work automatically. You must be connected to the VPN for submission to be successful! You will receive a copy of your code via e-mail, so you'll know that it was submitted if you receive that e-mail! VPN access requires Multi-Factor Authentication, which sends you a code when you log into the network. Instructions on configuring these for your account can be found here.


def swap(arr, i, j): temp = arr[i] arr[i] = arr[j] arr[j] = temp def merge(x, y, i1, mid, i2): """ Perform a merge of two contiguous sorted sub-chunks of the array x, using y as a staging area Parameters ---------- x: list The main array y: list The array to copy into as the two chunks are being merged i1: int Left of first chunk mid: int Right of first chunk i2: int End of second chunk """ i = i1 j = mid+1 idx = 0 while i != mid+1 and j != i2+1: if x[i] < x[j]: y[idx] = x[i] i += 1 else: y[idx] = x[j] j += 1 idx += 1 ## TODO: Copy over any elements that are left in ## the first chunk ## TODO: Copy over any elements that are left in ## the second chunk # Copy our merged sorted chunk from the staging area # back into the chunk from i1 to i2 for idx in range(i2-i1+1): x[i1+idx] = y[idx] def mergesort_rec(x, y, i1, i2): """ A recursive call to sort a subset of the array Parameters ---------- x: list Array to sort y: list A temporary array / staging area to store intermediate results i1: int First index of chunk to sort, inclusive i2: int Second index of chunk to sort, inclusive (i2 >= i1) """ if (i1 == i2): # Base case: A single number return elif (i2 - i1 == 1): # Base case: A pair of numbers right next to each other if (x[i2] < x[i1]): swap(x, i1, i2) else: # More than two; need to "divide and conquer" mid = (i1 + i2)//2 mergesort_rec(x, y, i1, mid) mergesort_rec(x, y, mid+1, i2) merge(x, y, i1, mid, i2) def mergesort(x): """ An entry point for merge sort on the entire array Parameters ---------- x: list Array to sort """ y = [0]*len(x) mergesort_rec(x, y, 0, len(x)-1)

Test Code Block

arr = [51, 21, 66, 69, 56, 13, 44, 6] mergesort(arr) print(arr, end='.') arr = [23, 1, 15, 24, 47, 29] mergesort(arr) print(arr)
