There are $N! = 1*2*3*...*(N-1)*N$ possible permutations on a list of length $N$.
The best I can possibly do when I do a single comparison is to halve the number of possible permutations.
Ideally, if this happens every time, how many questions do I need to ask to get to a single possibility? In other words, how many times do I need to halve $N!$ in order to get to $1$?
This simply
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.arange(1, 21)
xx = np.linspace(1, 20, 1000)
plt.plot(xx, np.log2(xx), c='C2', linewidth=4), np.log2(x), width=1, edgecolor='C1', linewidth=2)
plt.xlim([1, 20])
Antiderivative of $\log_2(x)$ is
$N \log_2(N) - N/\ln(2) + 1/\ln(2)$, which is $\Omega(N \log N)$. Therefore, comparison-based sortings have a lower bound of $\Omega(N \logN)$. Interestingly, merge sort achieves this in its worst case, so we have found an algorithm that does as well as it can on all cases!