Week 9: Radix Sort
Chris Tralie
Overview / Logistics
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We saw in module 15 that the lower bound for any possible sort that's based on comparisons is Ω(N log(N)). So if we have any hope of beating this, we have to think of a completely different strategy. We'll start with a simple example first known as "counting sort"
Counting Sort
What we can do is have a bunch of "bins" or "buckets," ordered in sequence in an array, where there's a bin for each possible value in our list. We can then loop through the bins from left to right and extract the elements in order. The code below shows this
What is the time and space complexity of the above algorithm?Radix Sort
Depending on the maximum element, counting sort can be pretty inefficient. But there's a way to use it as a subroutine in a more efficient sort. If we're careful on how we implement counting sort, it can be done so that it's stable. What we can do, then, is apply counting sort one digit at a time, from the right most digit left. This is known as Least Significant Digit Radix Sort. The table below shows this.
Original Order | 684 | 559 | 629 | 192 | 835 | 763 | 707 | 359 | 9 | 723 | 277 | 754 | 804 | 599 | 70 | 472 | 600 | 396 | 314 | 705 |
1s Place | 70 | 600 | 192 | 472 | 763 | 723 | 684 | 754 | 804 | 314 | 835 | 705 | 396 | 707 | 277 | 559 | 629 | 359 | 9 | 599 |
10s Place | 600 | 804 | 705 | 707 | 9 | 314 | 723 | 629 | 835 | 754 | 559 | 359 | 763 | 70 | 472 | 277 | 684 | 192 | 396 | 599 |
100s Place | 9 | 70 | 192 | 277 | 314 | 359 | 396 | 472 | 559 | 599 | 600 | 629 | 684 | 705 | 707 | 723 | 754 | 763 | 804 | 835 |